Monday, July 6, 2009

VAN: Web Development using Castle with Ryan Svihla

Virtual ALT.NET (VAN) is the online gathering place of the ALT.NET community. Through conversations, presentations, pair programming and dojos, we strive to improve, explore, and challenge the way we create software. Using net conferencing technology such as Skype and LiveMeeting, we hold regular meetings, open to anyone, usually taking the form of a presentation or an Open Space Technology-style conversation.

Please see the Calendar to find a VAN group that meets at a time convenient to you, and feel welcome to join a meeting. Past sessions can be found on the Recording page.

To stay informed about VAN activities, you can subscribe to the Virtual ALT.NET Google Group and follow the Virtual ALT.NET blog.

Ryan Svihla has been working as a C# developer Farm Bureau Bank in San Antonio since September 2007. Before that he worked as a Consultant in Lincoln, NE for 3 years, where he had working experience with Php, some Perl, Python and of course C#. Attempting Agile since early 2008 as an eager student with a focus on making programming more useful and relevant for the end user.

Have a look at the first popular MVC .Net based web framework. Also will be covering persistence with ActiveRecord, and view templates using Brail. Bonus, will demo a plug-in framework for building CMS like applications.

Central Daylight Time

Start Time: Web, July 8, 2009 8:00 PM UTC/GMT -5 hours

End Time: Web, July 8, 2009 10:00 PM UTC/GMT -5 hours

Attendee URL: (Live Meeting)

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