Wednesday, September 9, 2009

VAN:S#arp Architecture Revisited – Advanced Techniques – November 4, 2009


Billy McCafferty will join us once again on the heels of releasing Service Pack 1 for S#arp Architecture version 1. He will spend some time reviewing feature improvements, changes and add more context to the framework where time was not permitted in the first meeting. If you have any specific questions you would like addressed during the evening please add a question to our group and we will make sure Billy is ready to answer it.


Who is and what makes this Billy McCafferty guy tick? Well he is a long time developer and a hopeless romantic when it comes to writing beautiful software. Billy currently leads a double life between helping to run the world's greatest IT training school at and filling the part-time role of lead developer and architect with Parsons Brinckerhoff.  Billy is enjoying getting a bit of his life back after the recent release S#arp Architecture 1.0 and is currently hard at work on the first quarterly release later in September of 2009.

What is VAN?

Virtual ALT.NET (VAN) is the online gathering place of the ALT.NET community. Through conversations, presentations, pair programming and programming dojo’s, we strive to improve, explore, and challenge the way we create software. Using net conferencing technology such as Skype and LiveMeeting, we hold regular meetings, open to anyone, usually taking the form of a presentation or an Open Space Technology-style conversation.

Please see the Calendar to find a VAN group that meets at a time
convenient to you, and feel welcome to join a meeting. Past sessions can be found on the Recording page.

To stay informed about VAN activities, you can subscribe to the Virtual ALT.NET (VAN) Google Group and follow the Virtual ALT.NET blog.

Meeting Details

Times below are Central Daylight Time
Start Time: Wed, November 4, 2009 8:00 PM UTC/GMT -5 hours
End Time: Wed, November 4, 2009 10:00 PM UTC/GMT -5 hours
Attendee URL: Attend the meeting (Live Meeting)

Reminder: VAN: Claudio Lassala presents the S in SOLID Hide options

Tonight Claudio Lassala will be commencing his month long presentation beginning with The Single Responsibility Principle. See you all there for some enlightening discussion.

Zach and John